The installation revolves around a character called Lilith, who crosses ancient and contemporary cultures. The name Lilith refers to the female demon of Jewish tradition, the poster child of feminism, the fantastical character or avatar from the internet. Like an oracle, her hands draw gestures borrowed from the language of digital, spiritual, or popular communication. Subtitles appear like hijacked slogans, asking us about the authenticity of our desires, which blur with those propagated by the consumer world. The cardboard packaging in the installation questions the status of the artwork as a product as well as the objectification of the female body in digital visual worlds.
Like a robot endowed with a conscience, Lilith faces an existential crisis and confronts us with our human condition in the digital and capitalistic world. She is a recurring figure in other installations by Anaïs Goupy, each time contextualized in a feminist narrative, such as in the Medusa/Gorgone installation.
Lilith_exhibition views_ASPN Gallery 2022
holografic projection on optic glas_serigraphy on cardboard
pics: Stefan Fischer
The installation revolves around a character called Lilith, who crosses ancient and contemporary cultures. The name Lilith refers to the female demon of Jewish tradition, the poster child of feminism, the fantastical character or avatar from the internet. Like an oracle, her hands draw gestures borrowed from the language of digital, spiritual, or popular communication. Subtitles appear like hijacked slogans, asking us about the authenticity of our desires, which blur with those propagated by the consumer world. The cardboard packaging in the installation questions the status of the artwork as a product as well as the objectification of the female body in digital visual worlds.
Like a robot endowed with a conscience, Lilith faces an existential crisis and confronts us with our human condition in the digital and capitalistic world. She is a recurring figure in other installations by Anaïs Goupy, each time contextualized in a feminist narrative, such as in the Medusa/Gorgone installation.
Lilith_exhibition views_ASPN Gallery 2022
holografic projection on optic glas_serigraphy on cardboard
pics: Stefan Fischer